Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fat girls!

We have, together, lost..... 

drumroll, please..........


Laurita la Gordita is down 12 pounds! Gordita Blanca is down 10!

We've broken through the first Zehn! Or, Diez! (For those non-German knowing, but Spanish-knowing peeps.)

We're off to a terrific start, and we have made an executive decision. Our initial plan was to stick to our low-cal fast until Friday. That being said, we have decided that on Friday evening, as we work on organizing Laurita la Gordita's house (wedding coming up, and we want it perfect), we are going to order a pizza. We voted. And we reached a consensus.

We are each going to eat two slices - if our stomachs can take it. I mean, by this point, surely they're the size of a walnut. We'll start with a  salad, of course. (And NOOOO MOOOORE RAAAANCH! Vinegar, lemon, and salt and pepper should do nicely.)

After that, our fat girl diet will change. No more 500 cals a day, but we'll cap it at 1000 to 1200, and allow for 1 cheat day per week. 

Every fat girl needs a cheat day! It gives us something to look forward to, a small "reward" for doing so well all week. It also keeps a girl centered. If, on Wednesday, they're serving a free pizza buffet at the local Pizza Hut, Fat Girl must question herself:

"Do I want to waste my one cheat day on cold pizza, knowing that they probably won't even put out my favorite until I'm already stuffed?" 

The lil' devil on her chubby shoulder will shout YES! YES!

But the healthy, thin angel on her other shoulder (the one who looks really good in Skinny Jeans) will keep her grounded. No, doll. You don't. Remember... you're going to a birthday party at the sushi bar on Saturday. Would you like to spend the evening watching others eat Samurai Rolls while you sip your water with lemon and snack on cucumbers?

And that's it! We're on our way to a healthy life. PLEASE hold us accountable! If we start slacking, we'll be back to fat in no time. 

So, cheers to us! We have broken the initial 10 pound barrier, and we're off to the races! (Figuratively, of course. Lord knows neither of us could participate in a race of any kind... yet!)

 Eat well, live well!
Las Gordas

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  1. Yay for more calories and congratulations on the weight loss!

  2. I echo Sarah - hooray for 1200 calories. You're actually going to feel a whole lot better. (Although being down 10 pounds does feel pretty awesome!) Maybe holding y'all accountable will help me hold myself accountable! I'll start right after this glass of wine.

  3. Dad looks at the 500 calories as a sort of 'fast' as a great beginning to your new relationship with food. We cheer you on!
